NADA India



Anti Doping Disciplinary Panel and Anti Doping Appeal Panel are responsible for adjudicating on matters related to Anti-Doping Rule Violations (ADRVs) committed by athletes, athlete support personnel and other persons that fall under their jurisdiction.


There is consistency of sanctions globally in accordance with the World Anti Doping Code. The most common consequence of committing an ADRV is a ban from sport. In some cases, this could be for life. Others include, forfeiting medals, titles, erasure of records, etc.

If an athlete involved in a team sport is found to have committed an ADRV, there may be implications for the entire team. If more than two team members are found to have committed an ADRV during a competition, the national federation and/or organizing body shall impose appropriate sanctions.


Hearing Panels

Anti Doping Disciplinary Panel

In accordance with Article 14.3 of the NADA Rules 2021, “Public disclosure “, of sanctions imposed by the Anti Doping Disciplinary Panel (ADDP) is necessary.

ADDP Sanctions list can be downloaded with the below mentioned link:

Anti Doping Appeal Panel

The decision of ADDP can be appealed within 21 days by filing an appeal before Anti Doping Appeal Panel (ADAP). 

ADAP Sanctions list can be downloaded with the below mentioned link:
